Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil
Lezley McSpadden
The revelatory memoir of Lezley McSpadden—the mother of Michael Brown, the African-American teenager killed by the police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9, 2014—sheds light on one of the landmark events in recent history.
When McSpadden realizes that the system will not deliver justice to her son—that in this world strangers often assume the right to write our stories for us—she shows us how to feel our way through the deepest darkness by creating meaning for ourselves, celebrating each life, and becoming an agent for justice and change.
Book Praise
In a year where clashes between young black men and law enforcement fueled concern, and even anger, the death of Michael Brown could have been just one more incident raising questions about the public and policing. Instead, a community came together and ignited a firestorm of national protests that took this issue to another level. Caught in the frenzy, grieving mother Lezley McSpadden launched head first into a new life of activism. This book gives voice to her journey and allows us all to see what one mother can do to find answers.
—Soledad O'Brien
Lezley McSpadden is putting her light out there for the world to see. She’s communicating with others who’ve experienced unspeakable loss, and even those who will never experience what she has. She is showing how bright and purposeful Mike’s life was and is. She is tirelessly working to eliminate the ignorance that led to her son’s untimely death and to keep the flame alive that will forever honor his legacy.
—Common, from the introduction to Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil