Unjustifiable Means

Mark Fallon



President Trump wants to bring back torture. This is why he’s wrong.


In his more than thirty years as an NCIS special agent and counterintelligence officer, Mark Fallon has investigated some of the most significant terrorist operations in US history, including the first bombing of the World Trade Center and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole. He knew well how to bring criminals to justice, all the while upholding the Constitution. But in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, it was clear that America was dealing with a new kind of enemy. Soon after the attacks, Fallon was named Deputy Commander of the newly formed Criminal Investigation Task Force (CITF), created to probe the al-Qaeda terrorist network and bring suspected terrorists to trial. Fallon was determined to do the job the right way, but with the opening of Guantanamo Bay and the arrival of its detainees, he witnessed a shadowy dark side of the intelligence community that emerged, peddling a snake-oil they called “enhanced interrogation techniques.”

In Unjustifiable Means, Fallon reveals this dark side of the United States government, which threw our own laws and international covenants aside to become a nation that tortured—sanctioned by the highest-ranking members of the Bush Administration, the Army, and the CIA, many of whom still hold government positions, although none have been held accountable. Until now.

Follow along as Fallon pieces together how this shadowy group incrementally—and secretly— loosened the reigns on interrogation techniques at Gitmo and later, Abu-Ghraib, and black sites around the world. He recounts how key psychologists disturbingly violated human rights and adopted harsh practices to fit the Bush administration’s objectives even though such tactics proved ineffective, counterproductive, and damaging to our own national security. Fallon untangles the powerful decisions the administration’s legal team—the Bush “War Counsel”—used to provide the cover needed to make torture the modus operandi of the United States government. As Fallon says, “You could clearly see it coming, you could wave your arms and yell, but there wasn’t a damn thing you could do to stop it.”


Unjustifiable Means is hard-hitting, raw, and explosive, and forces the spotlight back on to how America lost its way. Fallon also exposes those responsible for using torture under the guise of national security, as well as those heroes who risked it all to oppose the program. By casting a defining light on one of America’s darkest periods, Mark Fallon weaves a cautionary tale for those who wield the power to reinstate torture.


Mark Fallon is an international security consultant and a career national security professional. He spent more than thirty years in government, twenty-seven of them with Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) and two as a member of the Senior Executive Service within the Department of Homeland Security. Fallon has spoken publicly and written extensively on the subject of criminal detention and interrogation procedures and continues to be a vocal advocate for human rights.

Book Praise

“A factually accurate and highly entertaining work. It provides an effective counter to the fearmongering and false promises purveyed by sensationalists masquerading as scientists. This book should be essential reading for anyone who contemplates following a restrictive diet and for all health practitioners who use diets as the central platform of their therapeutic approach.”
Author: Peter Gibson, MD, Director of Gastroenterology at the Alfred Hospital and Monash University

“In the world of food fears, this is a landmark book. Levinovitz brings science back into the picture in an eye-opening, punchy, and entertaining way that will change many of the single-sided conversations about food. The Gluten Lie will put a lot of minds at ease, and bring a lot of balance back into diets.”
Author: Brian Wansink, PhD, author of Source: Slim by Design and Mindless Eating

“Levinovitz shows us how to stop being afraid of food. Everyone truly interested in nutrition should read this book and get back to the joy of eating.”
Author: Philip Zeitler, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine

“The cure for Dr. Oz-itis and Oprah syndrome. Well researched, easy to read, and incredibly informative.”
Author: Jen Gunter, MD, author of Source: The Preemie Primer

“Stop poisoning your friends and family—with junk science nutritional claims. Feed them The Gluten Lie instead and enjoy lunch again."
Author: Hank Campbell, founder of Science 2.0 and co-author of Source: Science Left Behind

“With a thorough and incisive investigation into what science really tells us about gluten, fat, sugar, and detox, Levinovitz argues persuasively that we can stop worrying about what we ‘should’ eat and concentrate on enjoying food that appeals to our palate. Well-written, entertaining, solidly referenced, and perhaps the best debunking of popular diet myths ever.”
Author: Harriet Hall, MD, Associate Editor, Source: Science Based Medicine

“A fun and evidence-based inoculation of clarity into an area permeated with confusion and controversy. It is a must-read for anyone fed up with all the noise surrounding nutritional advice.”
Author: Tim Caulfield, Research Director of the Health Law Institute at the University of Alberta, and author of Source: The Cure for Everything

“A fascinating read. Professor Levinovitz uses the saga of gluten sensitivity as one of several compelling object lessons.”
Author: Nortin M. Hadler, MD, Emeritus Professor of Medicine & Microbiology/Immunology UNC, Chapel Hill and author of Source: The Last Well Person and Worried Sick